Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cultural Barriers...

While researching on the WHO website, I ran across this site I have never heard of. Is anyone else familiar with this organization? Info: Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), founded in 1902, works with all the countries of the Americas to improve the health and raise the quality of life of their peoples. It also serves as the Regional Office for the Americas of WHO.

International Day of the World's Indigenous People Highlights Health Gaps

Washington, D.C., August 9, 2006 (PAHO)—On the International Day of the World's Indigenous People observed today, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) experts noted that 40 percent of indigenous people in the Americas still lack access to conventional health care services.
Read about how social and cultural barriers are preventing the gaps in health care at the link below.

For further information, please visit their website at

Monday, October 22, 2007

Parents Paid for Good Health Practices...

While researching the topic of Controversial Cultural Health Practices, I came upon this video on ABC News that tells about a program that pays parents for taking care of their children. Watch the video by clicking the link below, then read an excerpt the article about Mayor Bloomberg.

Mayor Bloomberg: Why Not Use Cash as Incentive?
As New York Starts Rewarding Low-Income Parents With Cash, Mayor Defends Plan New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has launched a $50 million initiative that would pay low-income families to take better care of their children and their health. (ABC News)

From World News with Charles Gibson Sept. 12, 2007
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg defends his new program — a new inititative launched today — to pay low-income families to take better care of their children and their health.
The social experiment, known as Opportunity NYC, modeled on plans designed to break the cycle of poverty in developing countries, was spearheaded by the billionaire mayor, who is using $50 million in private funding.
The program offers 5,000 low-income families payments if they get more involved in their kids' education and health care.
"Some people look at this and say, 'Whoa, you're paying people to do what they should be doing, anyway," ABC's Dan Harris told Bloomberg.
"Absolutely," he responded. "Now, what's the question? Your statement of fact is correct, but that doesn't make it wrong. What is clear is these people aren't doing what we'd like them to do. And so, if the only way you can get them to do it is by paying them, is that better or worse than not having them do it at all?"

By BOB JAMIESONMarch 31, 2007
Earn Cash: Stay Healthy and Stay in School
New York Plans Privately Funded Incentive Program for Beating Poverty's Pitfalls
New York City will experiment with a cash incentive program for the poor to spur good performance in school and healthy habits.
Do cash incentives make better parents? That's what New York intends to find out with a privately funded program focused on some of the city's poorest residents.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the program will make cash payments of up to $5,000 to parents who attend parent-teacher conferences, make sure their children attend school every day and for higher test scores. It will also pay incentives when parents and children receive regular medical checkups, including prenatal care.


CulturedMed (click this link to go to the website)

Purpose of CulturedMed:
"CulturedMed" at the Peter J.Cayan Library at SUNYIT is a web site and a resource center of print materials promoting culturally-competent health care for refugees and immigrants.
This project provides support to the health care community and newcomers to our country by providing practical information regarding culture and health care from both viewpoints.

"While researching the topic of controversial culture health practices, I found this website that includes information for many different countries on their cultural practices as compared to ours. There is a wide range of topics listed on the left hand side of the screen. I looked up several health issues and only found a reference to the original article which makes it more difficult to search without a link. Have a look at the website, you may be able to pass the information on to others who join our culture but have different views of their own regarding health.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

HUNGER NO MORE... (please watch the video at the end of the blog)

I received a link to the World Vision website that told about a World Food Day on Oct. 16th. I have included the article below. My husband and I sponsor several children with World Vision and I have always appreciated their ministry and work towards relieving the suffering of children and families around the world.

World Food Day: Global Hunger Highlighted on Campuses and Capitol Hill

Find out what students across the nation are taking part in regarding the Broken Bread Poverty Meal, that includes one event with lawmakers in Washington, D.C., to raise awareness about hunger, poverty, and AIDS. Click Here: (INTERACTIVE) October 16, 2007By Peter Warski, Assignment Editor, World Vision Advocacy & Communications

Currently, more than 850 million people around the world are suffering from severe hunger.

Compassion Through Experience
Find out what the goal is of this experience by clicking this link

Watch a video about global hunger and what students across the United States are doing to stand in solidarity with those who don't have enough to eat.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


(Click on the picture to view, picture from

World Hunger is a constant problem which affects millions. I believe all citizens of the world should have the same basic needs met: clean water, food, shelter and proper sanitation. Hunger is an issue I feel passionate about because I think it does not have to exist in our world at this time in history. As I sit in an economically stable and thriving country, I see the waste of food and overindulgence that is prevalent. It does not seem to make sense that some have an unending supply of food and many do not have enough for one meal a day. I wish to see countries with an abundance share their bounty with countries that are in need. This will be my topic of the week.

My First Blog!

This is my first blog ever! I am very excited about the subject we are studying this quarter! It will be fun chatting with past students and meeting new ones.

As soon as I can down load my pictures, I have a video of a black bear cub who wondered into my yard yesterday!! I'll post it soon.

We live up in the mountains of Idaho and have a lot of wildlife through this area. My husband and I work at Project Patch Youth Ranch - with troubled and hurting teenagers. It is an awsome work but one that is very emotionally and mentally taxing.

Fall is now upon us and we are enjoying cool weather with beautiful red and yellow
colors in the woods.

Check back soon for the young bear cub video!