Tuesday, December 4, 2007

USAID and the Dominican Republic

Stratagies from 2002-2007 from the office of USAID.

Sustained Improvement in the Health of Vulnerable Populations in the Dominican Republic -

"The strategy will target vulnerable population groups defined generally as those living under the poverty line, with a focus on children, adolescents and women of reproductive age. HIV/AIDS interventions will be focused on the population groups most vulnerable to the HIV/AIDS epidemic." (USAID, 2007)

-This is an excellent article highlighting the iniciatives that are being taken in the Dominican Republic. Though this is a government program, they suggest that this will not be accomplished only by USAID, it will take the collaboration of many organizations, NGOs included.

Click here for the link: http://www.usaid.gov/dr/health.htm


Elsie Owens said...

Sometimes I wonder Liz, which intervention takes precedence. SInce AIDS is such a big problem, should we focus on prevention and investing money into that or should we focus on treatment? I may even add should we do both at the same time and equally? What do you think?

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