Friday, November 2, 2007

The Contribution of Primary Health Care to the Millennium Development Goals
- A speech from a conference in Argentina by Dr Margaret Chan Director-General of the WHO
..."Obviously, if we want better health to work as a poverty reduction strategy, we must reach the poor. And we must do so with appropriate, high-quality care. What role can primary health care play in this quest?"

Let us look at the reality: Dr. Chan talks about the the delivery system of antiretroviral drugs, the birth attendant crisis, preventable child deaths, gaps in health getting wider, and more.

One area that I found interesting is life expectancy, she stated that it can vary by as much as 40 years between rich and poor countries. I agreed with her statement, "A world that can put a man on the moon should be able to put more children under bednets."

Find out what Dr. Chan has to say about this subject by clicking the link below.

To read the speech in its entierty, please visit

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