Saturday, November 10, 2007

Check out Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia for details on TB.
...Over one-third of the world's population has been exposed to the TB bacterium, and new infections occur at a rate of one per second.
Check out the disease progression and what and where it affects the body by clicking the link below.
Symptoms & Transmission
Wikipedia explains the symptoms of TB as well as the Transmission. Check it out at

1 comment:

Elsie Owens said...

You know Liz, I had a bad experience with TB. In Canada as part of our immunizations, they require that we tuberculin which is a TB vaccine. Well from then on you will obviously show up positive. I went for a check up when I was getting my first job. I told them about the vaccine but since the nurse had never heard about it she gave me the test. Well of course it came up positive. Then they tried to put me on some medicine for six months. I was telling her abuot the vaccine until I was blue in the face. I took the medicine home but never took it. It was sad that this nurse was uneducated about what goes on in other countries. She basically was convinced that I had been infected despite the fact that I showed no symptoms.

Apart from that, it is sad to see that TB is on the rise according to the chart that WHO provided. Do you think that TB and HIV/AIDS rates rise simultaneously or independently